23/11/2017 - Kick-off Meeting

On the 23rd and 24th of November the project PANTHEON had its kickoff meeting. The kick-off meeting was held on the premises of the University Roma Tre.

On the 23rd and 24th of November the project PANTHEON had its kickoff meeting. The kick-off meeting was held on the premises of the University Roma Tre.

Project PANTHEON is a research project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 framework programme. Inspired by the real needs of the partner Ferrero, the project aims at defining a new paradigm for the precision farming of hazelnut orchards. The core idea is to build a system able to monitor the phytosanitary status of each single plant of the orchard. This will result in focused interventions, yielding an increase in the overall orchard production while being more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

The PANTHEON consortium is coordinated by Prof. A. Gasparri and consists of four universities (Roma Tre, ULB, Trier, and Tuscia) and two industrial partners (Sigma Consulting, and Ferrero), which provide the complementary expertise and technologies (ranging from robotics and control theory, to agronomy, remote sensing, and big data) needed for the success of the project.

For more information on the kick-off meeting: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectPantheon/  and https://twitter.com/ProjectPantheon