21/08/2019 – The aerial data collection is over

The Summer 2019 aerial data collection campaign is over.


Approximatively 30 gigabytes of data have been collected over seven days of flight for a total 40 flights for a total flight time of 3 hours. All the flights were carried out on Saturdays or Sundays: spending our summer’s week-ends in a hot field was not the kind of summer vacation our researchers (and their families) were expecting… But it is worth it: 1. Several data have been collected which will be useful to progress in the project 2. The platform proved to be reasonably reliable. The issues of electromagnetic interference have been identified: two antennas that accordingly to the producer should not interfere, actually did (never trust data sheets). Disconnecting one of the two antennas solved most of the issues. Some problems remain which did not affect dramatically the data collection and will be solved during winter time.